The Beginners Guide to Meditation

What is meditation? It is a practice of not thinking where you commune with your inner self, and perfect the art of not doing.

To many people in our society, this idea is extremely challenging. For over 2,000 years we have lived in the age of the mind, of reason, and the result of this is that we characteristically think too much.

Do your thoughts race? Do you find that your mind recycles the same thought over and over again? Do you project into the future and ruminate about the past? These are all symptoms of an over active mind.

What are the benefits of meditation?

Firstly, it is a fabulous antidote to the mind. With practice, it allows you to sink into the heart.

Secondly, there are many studies that show that it is extremely good for your health. It can assist with stress, high blood pressure, chronic pain, and many others symptoms and diseases.

It also allows you to find out who you are. It helps you to listen to your inner guidance or spirit. It enables you to hear your internal messages as you clear the brain fog. It allows you to communicate with your higher self, and discover your purpose in life.

It also increases your level of happiness, as it releases feel good hormones into your system.

How do you meditate?

The art of a good meditation practice is continual practice. Learning to quiet the mind can prove extremely challenging.

Meditation is best done when you are not going to be disturbed. Create a space for yourself where you are calm, it is quiet and you can relax.

Firstly, it is important to learn to watch your thoughts, rather than to give them any energy. For example, if you begin to meditate, and you suddenly think about the menu for dinner, acknowledge that you are thinking about dinner, and then let it go. It is just a thought about dinner.

Watch as your mind will continually bring up subjects that you "need" to think about now. It does not like to be idle. Again, acknowledge the thought and say to yourself that you are not going to think about it now, and leave it for later.

Sound easy? It is not. However, gradually, it will get easier, as your brain learns to fight you less. Eventually you will be able to not think for short periods that will get longer the more you practice.

Some people like to meditate alone. Others prefer company. You will find what suits you as you progress. It does require dedication and will power, but the results can deliver phenomenal changes to your well being and happiness levels. Who wouldn't want that?


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