At last! Video ads on public restroom mirrors

If there's one thing your bathroom experience has always needed, it's ads on the mirrors. Finally, a company has come along to provide the technology.

I refuse to bow to the inevitable.Indeed, I look the inevitable in the eye, grab it by its lapels, slap it a little and say: "Hey, inevitable. How do you like that, then?"

And yet it seems that I may now have to face the inevitable somewhere that I hoped I wouldn't have to.

Yes, the public restroom.

I have become used to ads above the urinal. They remind me to drink beer and work out. However, now, I may have to watch video ads while I wash my hands and stare at my uneven eyebrows.

For the Los Angeles Times informs me that a company called Novo Ad has created the technological means to turn mirrors into electronic displays for ads.

The mirrors are, in fact, LED screens that enjoy a hard disk and some nifty software.


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